Senior Olympic Photos

Check out the photos from our first Senior Olympic event here at Optimum Condition! They are not arranged in any particular order and all we had available was an iPhone to capture the shots. Standing broad jump, jump rope, push-ups, jumping jacks, squats and plank were the 6 chosen events, and some of the pics are blurry and out of focus. But let me just say that all the athletes were just the opposite…as sharp as razors in all of their performances! If we can help you prepare and increase your performance for your next event, please don’t hesitate to contact us by scheduling a Health and Fitness Audit.

Marilyn squat photo 1 (3) photo 1 (4) photo 1 (5) photo 1 (6) photo 1 (7) photo 1 (8) photo 1 (9) photo 1 (10) photo 1 (11) photo 1 (13) photo 1 photo 2 (2) photo 2 (3) photo 2 (4) photo 2 (6) photo 2 (7) photo 2 (8) photo 2 photo 3 (2) photo 3 (3) photo 3 (4) photo 3 (5) photo 3 (6) photo 3 (7) photo 3 (8) photo 3 (9) photo 3 (10) photo 3 (11) photo 3 (12) photo 3 (14) photo 3 (16) photo 3 photo 4 (2) photo 4 (5) photo 4 (10) photo 4 photo 5 (2) photo 5 (3) photo 5 (4) photo 5 (5) photo 5 (6) photo 5 (8) photo 5 (10) photo 5 (13)

photo 5