Well it’s Monday and Jeff weighed in this morning to check his progress from the previous week. He was pleasantly surprised to discover he’d dropped another 5 pounds, which brings his total lost so far to 30 whopping pounds! Jeff is very happy to say the least about his weight so far, and even though he’s cheated quite a few times, he says that overall even when he cheats that he’s still eating more like he should have been eating a long time ago. By that he means eating six smaller meals a day including snacks rather than eating two or three big meals. That way, you keep your metabolism up throughout the day because your body isn’t worried about when the next source of food is coming in. I always like to give the analogy of the bear and the horse. A bear eats a huge meal and then hibernates for the winter and his body’s metabolism slows way down. A horse, on the other hand, grazes all day and nibbles, which keeps his metabolism up. So you want to be a horse.
Melissa Allen, BS, CPT, CES. Please visit my website at http://www.optimumcondition.org/testimonials.html