It’s easy to make excuses for not working out unless you make working out convenient. That’s twice as true during the long winter months, when it’s too cold to pop outside for an hour or so to work up a good sweat. Gym memberships work for some people, but if you have a busy work schedule and kids to drive to school and basketball practice, driving to the gym several times a week may be out of the question. Home workout equipment can be very expensive, and finding space for it is a challenge for those who live in an apartment or small house. Let’s face it – for many people, exercise just doesn’t happen if they can’t do it where they sit, watch TV or do their laundry.
Leading a busy life probably means you’re too slammed to do things like eat right, get enough sleep and work out every day. Fortunately, if you can find enough time to exercise just 30 minutes a day, you can do your body a lot of good. So get creative. Build a doable workout routine around your schedule. You don’t need expensive high-end equipment. Just the will to make a difference with what you have.
Moving indoors
If you have a flight of stairs and enough room to do some calisthenics, you can get a nice workout without leaving your home. For a good cardio session, time yourself as you run up and down stairs, with one trip up and down equaling a lap. Set a goal and try to exceed it each time. You can also work several muscle groups by doing lunges, push-ups, squats and planks. It doesn’t require equipment, and you can do it just about anywhere, even at work in the privacy of your office.
Prep a gym space
If you have it in your budget to prep a home gym space, this can be a great motivator and time-saver. Plus, it’s easy to gather equipment on a budget. You can take this in any direction you want, whether it’s in your garage, basement or spare bedroom. When looking at the garage or basement, consider the flooring. If you have concrete that’s unprotected or cracked, it might be worth updating with an epoxy coating. You can hire out for this sort of service or do it yourself, but a pro ensures proper prep and coating.
If your workout goal is to turn your jelly belly into the proverbial “six pack,” find a patch of floor and start doing some crunches. Start with a set of 20 regular crunches, then do 20 reverses, another 20 double crunches, then work your left and right sides alternately. Don’t forget the aerobic benefits of doing jumping jacks, or using a jump rope if you have room. Follow that with a series of leg raises and lunges. Just remember that consistency is the key: keep it up every day.
Winter walking and other workouts
Don’t let a little snow and cold weather keep you from getting a little fresh air by taking a walk every day. Make sure you stretch out well, start walking at an easy pace for about 5 minutes, then gradually pick up speed. Remember, you’ll need to dress warmly without overloading yourself with layers of clothing. And you can always get some exercise by taking part in common winter activities like sledding or building a snow fort.
Man’s best exercise friend
You and your dog aren’t limited to going for walks around the neighborhood every evening. The two of you can have fun with some old-fashioned indoor rough-housing this winter. If your furry friend likes a good game of tug-o-war, you can both get a good little workout (and it’s not a bad way to get some resistance exercise). Switch things up with some hide-and-seek, or set up an indoor obstacle course you can have fun teaching your dog to navigate through.
Work with a pro
If you’re still getting comfortable with regular exercise, changing it up can be overwhelming. And while you might have already started with walking or running, leveling up your fitness often calls for an expert. Using a personal trainer or yoga instructor makes it easy to obtain a workout that fits your goals and physical condition. If you’re enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan, you can work out at fitness centers via the SilverSneakers program. Although you may have to pay extra for a personal trainer, you can get access to the gym’s facilities at no additional cost.
This winter, don’t settle for binge-watching your spouse’s favorite TV series and putting on pounds you’ll just have to work off when the weather gets better. Whether you have exercise equipment or not, you can get good aerobic workouts using the space available in your home. A little determination and creativity is all it takes.
Optimum Condition can help you with personal training, health coaching, and rehabilitative exercise. Visit our website for more information!
Courtesy of Pixabay.com.
Jason Lewis