Health Coaching

Helping people stay accountable and consistent

Health coaching wellness wheel

Health & Wellness Coaching

Whether you work in corporate America, out of your home, or anything in between, you want to perform at your best. That’s exactly what professional health coaching will do for you. It’s simple, when your mind and body are in optimum condition, you are more productive and focused in everything you do.

You will take charge of your life and identify a higher purpose for wellness. We’ll address mental and physical health together, helping you craft a personal wellness blueprint. You will learn to harness your strengths to identify opportunities, and you’ll overcome obstacles standing in your way.

Integrative coaching and positive framing help you unlock your natural drive for success. This formula forms the foundation for good health habits and well-being, providing you with stable ground to build future happiness and fulfillment. From that point, goal creation in areas like family, profession, finances, and personal growth become obtainable.

Is this the present you?

  • You have a good life but could use some help with improving your health

  • You find it difficult to stay consistent at new health endeavors for 90 days

  • You don’t have time to fit exercise into your already busy schedule

  • Traditional gyms don’t appeal to you

  • Personal trainers cost too much

  • Your fitness gadgets are collecting dust

  • …and the list goes on

This can be the future you!

  • Same great life but with improved health

  • You now can make true and lasting lifestyle changes with ease

  • Time now seems abundant

  • Your health is manageable with or without a gym

  • A healthy lifestyle is more affordable than you realized

  • You are accountable not only to yourself but to a professional coach

  • It seems there’s no end to what you can accomplish!

5 Principles

  • 1. Define the focus: the WHAT and HOW

  • 2. Self-discovery: What’s working and what’s not working

  • 3. Dream creation: Identify individual potential

  • 4. Design: Proposals and goal setting phase

  • 5. Destiny: Innovation that leads to high levels of performance and life satisfaction

7 Benefits

  • Inspiration for sustainable change

  • New mindset for learning and growth

  • Identification of new possibilities

  • Expanded self-awareness

  • Strategy for achievement

  • Map to navigate your way

  • Optimization plan for health and well-being

4 Outcomes

  • Wellness Solution Generation

  • Modification Alteration for Sustainable Behavior

  • Accountability for Goal Adherance

  • Health and Wellness Optimization Plan

Your health is priceless

Coaching Structure and Flow

Our health coaching programs and methodologies are evidence based and backed by scientific research.  Your wellness coaching program will begin with a wellness assessment, from there you will move on to wellness vision creation. Here you’ll look deeper at current behaviors, and you’ll identify your strengths and values.

Throughout this strategizing process of self-discovery and collaboration, negative mindsets are re-framed and new possibilities and potential are uncovered. You will identify resources, systems, people, and environments to help you realize your vision.

Next, 3-month goal design helps you identify the actions necessary to get there, while utilizing a learning method that comes naturally to you. The program culminates into a growth mindset and optimistic view for future health and wellness, in a way that is sustainable and fits your lifestyle. At the conclusion of 3 months, you will have a concrete plan going forward for health and wellness optimization.

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Health is Wealth

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+ One Time Sign-up Fee of $50
*No contracts, cancel anytime

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Our Mission
Optimizing health through science and movement

Since 1999