Traditional Personal Training
Premium Signature Service

Traditional face-to-face personal training
Private one-on-one training environment
Science based training and exercise selection
Professionally designed personalized programs around your goals
All training performed by fitness pro with min. Bachelor of Science degree
Movement screening/ assessment to establish baseline & assess limitations
Regular reassessments to measure progress
Limited Money Back Guarantee included
Programs include in-studio appointments once, twice, or three times per week
Starting at $292/ month
Hybrid Personal Training
Value Signature Service

Combination of in-person training & virtual training
Private one-on-one training environment
Science based training and exercise selection
Professionally designed personalized programs around your goals
All training performed by fitness pro with min. Bachelor of Science degree
Movement screening/ assessment to establish baseline & assess limitations
Regular reassessments to measure progress
14-day Money Back Guarantee included
Programs include in-studio appointments weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly
Personalized virtual training program to compliment in-person training sessions
Simple to follow videos of exercises you can perform in your home or gym
Weekly accountability check-ins by phone, text, email, Messenger or Face Time
Starting at only $97/ month
Personal Training

We appreciate and recognize our active military, veterans, and first responders for their serving and sacrifice so that we,
as a people and a nation, may prosper.
15% Discount

Our Philosophy
Working the Farm and Plowing the Field
Back in the days when most people worked farms or physical labor jobs, there wasn’t much need for additional exercise. That is no longer the case. Most jobs now require less energy expenditure than they once did. Technology has moved our professions from the outdoors to the indoors, and along with it active work has become sedentary. So unless your heart rate is elevated (and not due to deadlines or other stressors), and you are lifting some significant weight, your job does not qualify as exercise. That said, most people today require some type of regular exercise program consisting of cardio, resistance training, and flexibility to maintain good health.
Consistency Above All Else
Consistency is the single most important factor in making progress. So many people start a new program with the best of intentions, but very few ever make it to the 90 day mark. This cycle is then frequently replicated over and over through the years. Starting and stopping is like taking one step forward and two steps back. Set yourself up for success by setting realistic goals with a schedule you can manage and adhere to. If you can’t do it on your own, schedule your training with a fitness professional to hold you accountable.
Health is Wealth
Many people today devalue their health with sedentary lifestyles. Large screen TVs, online video games, and social media accounts to keep up with what everyone’s doing. They purchase expensive clothing or recreational toys without batting an eye, but when it comes to investing in their health, they draw the line. Yet this is the single best investment anyone can make! Is a bigger TV going to improve your life? Or would that money be better spent on a bike that will pay dividends in sweat equity? Trade some sedentary time for active time and take control of your health. All the things money can buy means nothing if you don’t have your health to enjoy them.
Weight loss is a side effect of a healthy lifestyle
Everywhere we look these days there’s news about the latest diet. But just the word “diet” implies something temporary. So rather than focus on permanent deprivation, instead try focusing on a permanent lifestyle change. The scale is just a number, and muscle weighs more than fat. Think in terms of increasing your lean muscle mass and decreasing your fat stores. Building muscle burns fat and turns your body into a fat burning machine. One of the best indicators of progress is simply how your clothes fit.
Mobility & Flexibility
I typically see women that only want to perform cardio to burn fat, and men who only want to lift weights to build muscle. While both are necessary components of a balanced fitness or exercise program, mobility and flexibility are the areas I see neglected most often. In doing that, you set yourself up for injury because tight muscles are easily injured muscles. If you strength train, over time your muscles will shorten if you don’t counter it by stretching. Ultimately this will cause you to lose range-of-motion. Supple muscles are more resistant to strains, so if you want to stay injury free, include mobility, flexibility, and stretching into your fitness program.
The Science Behind It
Many so called “fitness pros” come from the school of wet and reckless. Meaning that their goal is always to obliterate instead of stimulate, often times resulting in injury. There’s a science behind creating a well-balanced training program that takes into consideration the individual, their goals, physical limitations, and any medications that may affect perceived exertion or blood pressure. An innate knowledge of the muscular system coupled with an understanding of safe progressions, biomechanics, and the dangers of creating muscle imbalances all go into designing a safe and effective program. There’s much more involved than simply breaking a sweat.
“In 2004 I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and so wanted to make sure I lost weight in the healthiest way possible. Fatigue is a big issue with MS, so Melissa worked with me to build up my tolerance and I can do a full 90 minute workout, including stretches, easily on most days. My cholesterol dropped 75 points the first year, and I went from a size 18 to a size 8. Melissa is an extremely friendly, easy going person and fun to work with. She helped me find a lifestyle that worked for me by giving me the right tools.”
– Patricia A. Hubbell (Grossmont School District)

Our Mission
Optimizing health through science and movement
Since 1999