If you’ve been following this month’s posts, you know stability ball exercises are what we’re focusing on and today’s exercise is the rotational plank on the ball. This is considered more of an advanced exercises for starters, and you start by placing the ball on the floor. From there, lay over the ball with the balls of your feet touching the floor, and your forearms on the ball with your elbows bent and your shoulders both at 90 degree angles. Keep your body straight by not bending at the waist, then lift your right arm off the ball pointing your hand towards the ceiling as you rotate your body a quarter turn towards the right. Replace that arm and repeat the same movement with the left arm, rotating your body a quarter turn to the left. There you have a rotational plank exercise that targets the core muscles!

Melissa Allen, BS, CPT, CES. Please visit my website at http://www.optimumcondition.org/classes/el-cajon-boot-camp.html