Continuing with exercises you can easily do at home, today’s post is on wall push-ups. This is definitely a beginner exercise, but great if you’re in need of building strength so that you can advance to the standard floor push-up. The exercise is performed just as the name implies, so start by facing the wall and place your hands shoulder width apart in front of your chest. Now walk your feet back away from the wall and do a push-up by lowering your head in towards the wall. If it’s too easy, then walk your feet back even further. After you get good at this one, then advance to doing the push-up on the floor, but from your knees. From there, move on to the balls of your feet, as most of us are familiar with that one. There are many other even more advanced modifications you can do, like one arm push-ups, elevated feet push-ups, and the list goes on.  But if you are a beginner, consider starting with the wall push-up.

Melissa Allen, BS, CPT, CES. Please visit my website at