Snow shoeing is a great way to get outside and enjoy nature as well as the snow, depending on where you live. If you’re here in San Diego, you may even get a chance to do it in the Laguna Mountain area, depending on how long this weather holds out. I think we’ll be breaking some records as far as rainfall, so maybe the mountains will get hit with snow. If not, you can always head up to Big Bear and work in some snowshoeing especially if you’re like us and will be doing some snowboarding or skiing. We plan to make a couple trips up there at the least, and while lift tickets can get expensive, snowshoeing is free if you own the shoes. If not, you can probably rent some for the day. We like to get a cabin and snowboard for at least one day and this year we’ll definitely be working in some snow shoeing. If you enjoy hiking, give this sport a try, I guarantee you’ll have a good time. You can bring a camera and capture some great wildlife photos while you’re doing it. Snow shoeing burns about 528 calories an hour if you weight 150 pounds. And snowboarding burns about 396 for the same body weight and time spent. Some areas will even have designated trails with places that you can stop along the way for hot chocolate!

Melissa Allen, BS, CPT, CES. Please visit my website at