This reflection on fitness was written by Sarah Enkhorn, one of my best friends as well as family. And this is what she had to say about fitness and how it has personally touched her life. I thought it was too beautiful not to share.

Reflection on Fitness:

This is a long one but while running and hiking today I had time to think, and at time a burst of endorphins hit me. I felt really happy and so while thinking about my life, I thought man, my life is truly great! At times life can seem hard and very stressful and it is hard to stay positive, but when you truly reflect on life I have to say mine is awesome, and then I realized it all has to do with fitness.

Fitness leads people to other great people which then creates a better life for you. This last weekend when doing the Spartan beast I seriously thought I wasn’t going to be able to finish but Derek pushed me to get through it. While doing this, at times I was struggling and dying, and complete strangers offered me their own water, gave me energy chews, and cheered me on. When I reflect on this now I’m awed at how wonderful people can be.

Fitness has lead me to some of the best friends I have , both bosses (who are also my friends), and my fiancé. So if you are down and need some motivation, take a walk, reach out to a friend, do something active, reflect on life and eventually positive changes will happen.

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Optimum Condition empowers people to live life to the optimum through physical training, education, and coaching