I run a health and fitness company here in the San Diego area, and originally this blog was dedicated to various health related topics. While I’m a firm believer that everyone should exercise regularly, I also recognize the importance of living an active life aside from exercise.

“Activity” is the common characteristic in people who I consider to have awesome lives. They’re not sitting around wasting their days watching TV, sleeping in, or gossiping, for example. One of my core beliefs is that we are meant to live life to the fullest, and living an active life is a big part of that. I love hearing about people that not only live active lives, but do so with passion, ambition, and discipline for whatever it is they’re doing.

That’s when it dawned on me that it’s much more interesting to hear someone’s story when you can see a face to go with it. And that’s what brought me to the idea of doing video interviews on cool people with cool lives. Hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoy doing them.

Your friendly health & fitness expert,

(619) 252-4993