Fitness Tip: Body Weight Training
I posted the other day about exercises that a person can do with a therapy ball. Well there are also many exercise that can be done simply using body weight...
I posted the other day about exercises that a person can do with a therapy ball. Well there are also many exercise that can be done simply using body weight...
Many people over eat because they eat to fast for their body to register that they are full, so by the time it does register they have already consumed more food than they should at one sitting.
If you sustain an injury that you suspect is a minor muscle strain, the best approach to encourage healing is mild stretching coupled with ice a minimum of three times a day for 15 minutes each...
Many people feel that they need a lot of equipment in order to get a good workout, but you will be surprised at what you can do with just a stability ball...
For someone attempting to lose weight strictly through exercise and healthy eating, you can expect to lose 1/2 - 1 & 1/2 pounds per week...
You may have wondered it it's best to stretch before or after exercise. Well the answer to that depends on a couple factors...
People frequently ask me, "what's the best exercise for..." In reality, there's usually never any one BEST exercise, the key is choosing an effective exercise and performing it correctly...
When it comes to calories, many people don't understand how many more calories they are consuming when they're eating foods high in fat...
Dividing your meal in half when it first arrives to your table is a great way to control your portion size when eating out...
A healthy fitness program will consist of 4 components: resistance training, cardiovascular conditioning, flexibility/stretching, and healthy eating...