Stay Cool
With the weather getting hotter, it’s more important than ever to stay hydrated and take safety precautions when exercising outdoors. That goes for adults, children, and pets.
With the weather getting hotter, it’s more important than ever to stay hydrated and take safety precautions when exercising outdoors. That goes for adults, children, and pets.
“What should I do to get in shape and lose weight”? Well, the answer depends on a lot of factors. What works well for one person may not work for another. However, there are some rules that are necessary and absolute like the following:
Last edition I wrote about the importance of cardiovascular conditioning and how to calculate your training zone. I also mentioned that cardio is just one part of the equation, with t
The more muscle a person has, the greater their metabolism is, which equates to the faster they burn calories. However, resistance training to build muscle is only one part of the equation.
If you haven’t realized it by now, overcoming obstacles is much easier if you set a goal. That has never been more true than when it comes to exercise and getting in shape. It’s just humane nature to push yourself harder and further toward something if you have some idea of just what that something is.
Do I need to stretch before exercise of after? You definitely need to stretch after exercise, since resistance training decreases flexibility over time if done alone without the counter balance of stretching.
One sure way to overcome procrastination is to just do it, like the Nike campaign states. Its human nature to put things off, especially things that you’re not crazy about doing.
A woman that recently emailed me inquiring about a fitness routine inspired this column. Like a lot of people, she’s finding it difficult to get into a routine, and even more so to continue enjoying it after the initial excitement wears off.
I seem to be constantly struggling to change how the majority of the population views body weight. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard something along the lines of “I’ve dropped two pant sizes but I haven’t lost any weight...”
While some injuries we have no control over, many others we can do something about simply by preparing well. By that I mean...