Finding the Best Fit
These days with so many forms of exercise and fitness training available, it can be difficult deciding what to choose, not to mention what will work the best for you.
These days with so many forms of exercise and fitness training available, it can be difficult deciding what to choose, not to mention what will work the best for you.
A lot of you out there reading this may be exercising regularly and working hard to stay healthy, but at the same time not taking the simple, but often over-looked steps to help you on your journey...
The string of people I know suffering from summer colds as well as persistent injuries influenced this column. Hopefully this will lend some insight into your ailment
If some of you find it difficult to get motivated to workout, maybe you need to try a different approach. Rather than spend these nice days in a gym, try mixing it up by getting out in the fresh air...
Resistance training can consist of lifting free weights, like dumbbells and barbells; weight training machines; resistance bands; or body weight exercises, like push-ups and sit-ups...
With everything that is going on the world, it may seem that our day-to-day lives are no longer as important as they once were. Or it may even seem selfish to think that our daily activities are even worthy of mentioning. But I truly believe that it is our duty as Americans...
As you may have discovered for yourself, sticking with an exercise program long enough to make it an actual habit can be difficult, to say the least. While hopefully most of you reading this are either currently exercising or planning to start...
As you may have noticed from the title, this edition’s column is dedicated to animal lovers. While hopefully all of you realize how important your health is to living a happy and fulfilling life, many people overlook their pet’s health...
A lot of people go through their workouts at too fast of a pace because they are short on time, and in the process they forget to engage good form and posture...
I’ve noticed that a lot of the women I’ve trained with over the years suffer from weight lifting phobia. By that I mean that they [...]