Interesting people and their stories make up our biographies.
Teacher with Pipes
Jodi Kohler, high school teacher high by day and country singer by night.
Interesting people and their stories make up our biographies.
Jodi Kohler, high school teacher high by day and country singer by night.
If you're just visiting for the first time, you may be wondering what we're about. I run a health and fitness company here in the San Diego area, and originally this blog was dedicated to various health related topics. While I'm a firm believer that everyone should exercise regularly, I also recognize the importance of simple activity.
Jesse Lipscomb, owner of IRA Solutions, talks about how organic farming is allowing him more time with his kids while simultaneously increasing his health and his cash flow.
Charlie Kohler, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu Black Belt, MMA fighter, and owner of San Diego Fight Club talks about fighting, how he got started in martial arts, and why he only beats up people he really likes.
Sheri Malvestuto, entrepreneur, optimist and earthly angel talks about what led her to where she is in life and choosing a profession that blows back your hair.
Mike Fellows (35 years old) , city planner and soon-to-be owner of his first investment property talks about how goals setting has affected his life, and what led him to where he is today.