
About Melissa

Melissa Allen is a Certified Personal Trainer and Corrective Exercise Specialist residing in El Cajon, California, where she owns and operates Optimum Condition. Her goal is to empower people through fitness, education and coaching.

Sustainable Packaging

By |2014-10-28T12:42:22-07:00October 28th, 2014|Nutrition|

Sustainable packaging is the way of the future Just read a great article in Entrepreneur magazine covering sustainable packaging out of Stockholm and Paris. Tomorrow [...]

Calorie Increase

By |2014-10-17T16:53:04-07:00October 17th, 2014|Nutrition, Weight Loss|

Calorie Increase Contributes to Obesity Just read an interesting article about portion distortion and how serving sizes have increased over the years. The studies were [...]

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